Update 2.5 Now Available for Crytek’s Hunt: Showdown
Hunt: Showdown Update 2.5 addresses community requests, alongside a 22% discount on Steam.
October 11, 2018

Update 2.5 contains a number of changes that came directly from community requests--and changes that we made in response to community feedback while the update was available on the test server. A full list of all of these changes can be viewed in the patch notes here. Anyone who buys the game right now will also receive a 22% discount on Steam.
Weapons - With Update 2.5, weapon balancing gets improvements. This includes a number of weapon tweaks and changes—to price, ammo, gunplay, and damage. Weapons balance is an important topic for Hunt players, and the team will continue to modify weapons balancing in further updates.
Trainee Mode - Hunt is an intense game, and 2.5’s new Trainee Mode is designed to give new players the chance to get their bearings. Trainee Mode is initiated as a player progresses through ranks 1-15 for the first time, and ends once they prestige out of that rank bracket.
Russian Servers - For Hunt players in Russia, 2.5 will also see the addition of a Russia servers. Players need only select Russia from the region list when prompted.
About Hunt: Showdown
Hunt: Showdown is a competitive first-person bounty hunting game with heavy PvE elements, from the makers of Crysis. Set in the darkest corners of the world, it packs the thrill of survival games into a match-based format. Hunt’s competitive, match-based gameplay mixes PvP and PvE elements to create a uniquely tense experience. Each match pits up to ten players—playing solo or in teams of two—against each other as they fight for bounty by taking out gruesome monsters in the swamps of Louisiana. Once they’ve found and defeated one of these they will receive a bounty—and instantly become a target for every other Hunter left on the map. The higher the risk, the higher the reward–but a single mistake could cost everything. Hunt is available now on Steam. For more information, visit https://www.huntshowdown.com/.